Friday 17 June 2016

Rock Climbing and Abseiling Reflection

I was on a cliff looking over the edge I felt like if I lend back I was going to fall off but I had to trust the rope so I went over the edge the buzz has awesome and before I knew it I was at the bottom. Abseiling this massive cliff is one of my biggest achievements so I'm really happy that I conquered my fear it is a big achievement for any 12 year old to do so I felt so scared when I was at the top of the cliff but when I got to the bottom it was the best feeling in the world the buzz was massive and that's just the abseiling.

After abseiling I was really confident for Rock Climbing I felt like I was flying up the cliff I have never been very good at rock climbing but when I started climbing I was up there in no time at all I felt like I was getting more confided about heights.

Thanks to the polytechnic and Westland milk products who made this trip happen.


  1. Bailey, this sort of challenge really tests your mental fortitude. Your mind is trying to convince you not to do it - dangling by a rope at the top of a cliff is certainly not a 'normal' thing to do! You brain recognises this and does everything within its power to stop you. However, you demonstrated that you are capable of maintaining composure even in the most extreme circumstances. Awesome job!

  2. hi nice reflection that is really awesome I'm glad you had fun but in your reflection you made a mistake you put has instead of was but other whys its great from Levi :)
