Friday 27 May 2016

Writing to the editor

Dear Editor

I am writing to you about the poultry show.
Why would you have the poultry show in the Civic Centre? And on Friday, Saturday and Sunday in which we play Basketball, Cricket, Badminton and multiple training sessions. Why can’t you have it somewhere else!?

Sports is very close to a lot of West Coast hearts and you replace that with... CHICKENS.
You can easily do the poultry show somewhere else unlike the multiple sports that we do over the weekend which we can’t find replacements for. What about using outside facilities like Dixon Park?

In what other city/town would basketball be cancelled because of chickens, PLUS when we play basketball everyone complains about us wearing black soled shoes because they leave black marks. But bringing in chickens that poop everywhere is okay?!

Because of these reasons, I think that the poultry show should be held somewhere else.
Yours sincerely


W4T2 Reflection

This week we focused on debating we all wrote a letter to the editor about local issues, some really great pieces of writing came out of it and we all showed real passion towards our subjects that we chose most of us got our letters finished so we will be able to see them in the newspaper.

So debating,  in my opinion, debating is really fun, or topic for our debate was New Zealand's education system is broken we have pros and cons teams I wanted to be on the pros team (like almost everyone else) but I got put in the cons teams

Hopefully we can win the debate!!!!!!

Thursday 26 May 2016


Wednesday 25 May 2016

Decimal - multiply and divide by 10, 100, 1000


                                        Don't you jut hate it when this happens 

Tuesday 24 May 2016

Thursday 19 May 2016

Cave stream [Reflection]

When I got to school I was buzzing with excitement, Mr S-W checked our packs to make sure we had the right gear.
When we got to cave stream everybody rushed to the toilets like a pack of wolves, we got to the mouth of the cave, when I saw it I knew this was going to be special.

Mr S-W walked into the mouth of the cave to check the the depth of the water, we watch as more and more of his body disappeared under the water at this point it was up to his armpits “Wow” I thought that's deep.
About ¼ through the cave we were asked to climb up on a ledge I was at the back and Cooper was sitting on my foot and leg, mr S-W said to turn all our torches off so we did we stayed like that for about 1 minute when mr S-W screamed out AHHH we all knew that he was trying to scare as but everyone just laughed as we jumped back into the water. About half way through I lost the feeling in my feet and legs and all I could here was laughing and talking.
Near the end of our journey we came across a ladder that we needed to go up but we had to wait for the other group to go up the ladder we must have been waiting for ¾ of an hour before I finally climbed up the ladder and out of the cave…

I will definitely come back again.

Monday 16 May 2016

Is trying not enough?

Today we had a problem with the run, people some people just ran half the way, but most of the people in my class do that all the time and the ONE time the people that TRY on the run do it ONCE we get told.
Our teacher spoke about putting more EFFORT into the run but there are some people that try very day and the ONE time we don't we here about it. 
Some people almost NEVER try and never and told about it so why do the people that do try do get told off!?
Is every time trying but once not good enough when never trying is? 

Thursday 12 May 2016